01 November 2007

On my bookshelf, still unread

  1. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, Jared Diamond
  2. Long Walk to Freedom, Nelson Mandela
  3. Himalaya, Michael Palin
  4. Amsterdam Als Emancipatiemachine, Leo Platvoet/Maarten van Poelgeest
  5. Anatomy of Love, Helen Fisher
  6. Open je hart, Dalai Lama
  7. Ethica Nicomachea, Aristoteles
  8. The Code Book, Simon Singh
  9. Buddhism for Mothers, Sarah Napthali
  10. Tomorrow Now, Bruce Sterling
  11. The Complete Robot, Isaac Asimov
  12. Catch 22, Joseph Heller
  13. The Joy of Work, Scott Adams
  14. The Horse Whisperer, Nicholas Evans
  15. The Russian Debutante's Handbook, Gary Shteyngart
  16. The World According to Garp, John Irving
  17. The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger
  18. On the Road, Jack Kerouac
  19. Een Kleine Geschiedenis van Amsterdam, Geert Mak
  20. Misdaad en straf, Dostojevski [English: Crime and Punishment]
  21. Feest (Symposium), Plato
  22. Hilaria, Kees van Kooten
  23. The Little Friend, Donna Tartt
  24. Mijn manifest voor de aarde, Gorbatsjov [English: Manifesto for the Earth]
  25. Pour Your Heart into It, Howard Schultz
  26. McDonald's: Behind the Arches, John F. Love
  27. The Emperors of Chocolate, Joël Glenn Brenner

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